With COVID restrictions being gradually lifted throughout the summer, 2021 was a much busier year than 2020 for our volunteers. First we should record, that if it wasn’t for our volunteers and others who supported the rescues, there are three people alive today, who probably wouldn’t be, but for the actions of these volunteers.
Also positive news at the start of the season, was grant aid support from the Welsh Government through Sports Wales. A huge amount of equipment was acquired with over £10k of financial assistance.
Training for all sessions was well supported this year and the following qualifications were achieved:

Geraint Rees
Oliver Coborn
Jamie Coborn
Lewis Hopkins

For six seasons now and working in partnerships with Cardiff University, we have been delivering beach lifeguard training for them. This year, 12 students passed their NVBLQ.

Beach Lifesaver Level 1
Kerry Jones
Evan Gwatkin
James Gray
Triston Smith
Neave Rudkin

Life Support Level 3
Keith Sewell
Chloe Wyatt
Paul Davies
Justin Biggs
Catherine Diment
Kate Glover
Jamie Coborn
Oliver Coborn
Lynn Coborn
Alun Humphreys
Emma Davies
Paul Edwards
Ellys Edwards
Kerry Jones
Rachel Owen

A big thanks again to everyone who has taken part and supported our Club again this year and we are all looking forward to our Diamond Anniversary in 2022.