With the end of 2023 fast approaching, it is worth reflecting our change in circumstances in the last 12 months or so. This has come about in no small measures, due to the work of the Club Committee and well supported by the Club members. We still have obstacles to overcome, but we are in a much stronger position to meet these challenges head on.

Thanks must also go to Welsh Water and S Jones Containers, for their fantastic support. Our two old containers have been picked up today (12/12/2023) and we are very happy to report we will be having two new containers in their place, thanks to a grant from Sport Wales.. One of the new containers will also be 10ft longer at 30ft, so allowing us to store much more equipment there.

Our numbers at the pool sessions in Hebron Hall picked up a bit this year, so it was unfortunate to have the pool closed for a couple of weeks at the end of our first term. We start pool sessions gain on Thursday 18th January, 2024 at the usual time of 7:30pm

Our first Christmas raffle for a number of years, proved a big success raising £800 and the winners were:
1st £500 ~ Pendyrus Choir
2nd £200 ~ Rhondda Basketball
3rd £100 ~ Porth RFC Juniors
and well done and thanks to everyone who supported us in this. This together with other fundraising events, mean we raised just over £2K to support the purchase and fitting out of our new containers.

Finally, a couple of months ago we were approached by a number of people who were interested in taking over the whole of the lifeguard building and turning in into a community asset. This group have now met on a number of occasions and is made up of a number of community groups and ‘like minded people’. We also sit on this group and Geraint is our representative. We will keep our members informed on any progress on this proposed project,.

Have a good Christmas Christmas to all our members, and supporters and see you all again in the New Year.